Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rubio blocks Obama's nominee for Vietnamese ambassador

Read the full article HERE

American families who received referrals for orphans in Vietnam more than three years ago are in limbo as the United States rethinks its international adoption policy. Known as “pipeline families,” these U.S. citizens were matched with orphan children, their paperwork processed in the U.S and in Vietnam.

Then, requirements in both countries began to change. These children and their families have been caught in a cycle of shifting regulations.

For the past three years, the families have grown to known their children through visits. These American families provided medical care, emotional support, toys, books and clothing for their children while they are being raised in an orphanage overseas.

Adoption advocates asked that that these adoptions be grandfathered in under the rules in which these adoptions were originally processed.

They urge that the subsequent DNA matches, relinquishment records from birth mothers and other paperwork be accepted so that these children can be reunited with their families while the United States and Vietnam work out the final details of inter-country adoptions going forward,

“Senator Lugar and Senator Rubio should be commended for their efforts on behalf of their constituents and these children. For years, the Department of State has been unable to provide complete or consistent answers about these cases, and has been unwilling to help solve the problem,” says Kelly Ensslin, the Raleigh, North Carolina-based attorney for two of the pipeline families whose children are awaiting finalization of their adoption.

“These children are suffering and need homes urgently. I've seen their condition with my own eyes. I believe the hold on Ambassador Designate Shear will instill a sense of urgency and help the Department of State focus on resolving these cases immediately,” Ensslin continued.

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