Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Second String - phase two

The Second String originally consisted of two wonderful Moms who came to offer their love, attention, and determination to all of our children who are still waiting to join their forever families. Those of us waiting back home were greeted each day with tears and joy as new pictures, videos, and tidbits about our child’s personality were revealed. Videos and photographs taken by the waiting Moms are absolutely priceless because the distance between parent and child may be geographically far, but no distance exists in the love each of us has for our little one.

While one Mom had to tearfully part with her daughter to reluctantly leave the Centre to return to the United States, another Mom arrived to continue the effort and finally was able to meet her son. Both Moms still in country continued to give each of the children so much love and attention which can be seen in the many photographs of the children interacting and playing. The days were filled with lots of activities and snacks. The Moms brought in more flavored milk, juice, cookies, waffles, and fruit and made sure all of the kids had their fill so they can continue to grow! The kids enjoyed many activities such as; coloring, stacking toys, sharing books, playing with inflatable animal toys, using the Moms as human jungle gyms, and of course BUBBLES!! Most of all, it is clear that they enjoyed the love that the Moms who traveled gave them. They touched each of our children’s lives in more ways than we will ever know. They also brought much needed smiles to the faces of all of the waiting parents.

All of the Moms are now home and we continue to wait for our children to come home as well. We have become a pretty tight knit group that promises to have many friendships continue for a lifetime. Many envision play dates and reunions for our kids who have grown up together for the last few years and undoubtedly have a love for one another. These dreams will hopefully soon become a reality and each of us will finally be able to hold our children in our arms and not just have to carry them in our hearts. Please pray for all of the families and especially the children. We pray that soon, we will be celebrating their homecoming and starting a new joyous chapter in each of our lives.

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