Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Balloons and Crayons

The children responding very well to all the new stimulation. They are continuing to get fresh fruits, crackers, strawberry soy milk, and other snacks daily. The volunteers bring new treats daily, and the children are eager to try new things.

New toys and activities are also being introduced each day. The children were very excited about balloons. They played with balloons in all of the rooms and the children loved them! They were fascinated when the volunteers started blowing them up. The children of all ages are opening up more with the volunteers and readily approach them for affection. They often hop from lap to lap getting attention.

Another popular activity has been coloring. This was done on two days because it was such a hit. The second day the volunteers had to bring bigger sheets of paper. They are noticing a big improvement in the youngest children. They are more alert, interactive, and playful. They are responding well to the stimulation and play.

One of the volunteers wasn't feeling well this week. She has one more day to visit the center. She will be leaving Vietnam this week. Please keep her in your prayers that she will regain her strength. She will also be leaving the little girl she loves and has been waiting to adopt. Please pray for strength as she says goodbye to this little girl she loves... just for a little while... until she can bring her home!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fruit and Fun

The volunteers have been enjoying all the play time with the children. They continue to introduce new toys to the groups each day. They have brought books, blocks, and balls. They note that the children are happy to play with anything they bring. They even enjoy the baggies and cups that the treats come in. The children are really warming up to the visitors and enjoy sitting in their laps and giving hugs.

The children have also been introduced to lots of new foods. In the last few days they have gotten to try a variety of fruits including dried blueberries, bananas, apples, and rambutan. The volunteers are enjoying their time bonding with the caregivers as well as the children. The caregivers have taken an interest in teaching them some Vietnamese.
(Rambutan - Chôm Chôm
The Rambutan is also known unofficially as Hairy Cherry. Today, the rambutan is grown in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. The fruit is about 5 cm long and has soft fleshy hair from 2 to 3 cm long over the entire surface. The peel turns from green to yellow to red as the fruit ripens. Once peeled the fruit yields a flesh that is white and firm. The rambutans grow in large bunches on trees that are 20 m high.)

The weather has been very hot. The volunteers have had some issues taking pictures, because the heat fogs up the camera lens. In spite of that, they have been able to get many pictures for the waiting families. More and more they are capturing the smiles and personalities of these children. This is priceless information for the parents. Please continue to keep these volunteers in your prayers. Also, please pray for our fund raising efforts so that additional volunteers will be able to travel soon. It is evident that their efforts are a great benefit for the children and waiting families.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


The volunteers have received a warm reception by the caregivers, director, and vice-director. Of course, the children are happy to see them especially because they bring things everyday, like cookies and toys. So far they spend their time with the children on the floor, holding them, playing with them, and taking lots of pictures. Its quite interesting how each child is developing their own personalities which they are trying to play close attention to and remember for the next day. Some are quiet, some are clinging, some are stand offish, some are rambunctious, some like to share and others do not. They all loved the bubbles, having their pictures taken, eating treats and playing with the toys. They are excited about the progress they are making both with interactions with the children and the orphanage staff.

As regards to their stay, they report that the Hotel is very pleasant, air conditioned, and has most conveniences that we Americans are use to. It seems to rain every couple of hours for short periods. Sometimes its a heavy downpour and other times normal rain. It is extremely hot and humid and they seem to be taking lots of showers and changing their clothes often. Everyone is friendly but few people speak English. And so far they seem to be adapting surprisingly well and are concentrating on the children.
They hope this update gives everyone a flavor of their visit. They encourage all the families to hang in there and try to keep positive spirits!

Currently preparations are underway for the next pair of volunteers. As well, a schedule is being created for additional visits through the end of the year. Some of these volunteers are waiting parents. Others are people who have some time and a willingness to help these children. Most of them will need financial assistance in order to make this trip. They are unselfishly giving of their time. Can you help them? Please click on the Donate Now button to make a secure, tax deductible contribution through FTIA's Humanitarian Aid. If you are available to volunteer or if you have frequent flyer miles you are willing to donate, please click the EMAIL link to let us know.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bubbles and Puzzles

It has been an active time at the child care center this week! The volunteers have spent more time with the children. They brought bubbles which seemed to delight the everyone. The children also seem to be very pleased with the puzzles!

With so many children in the center and the additional neighborhood children visiting, there has been lots of activity. They have posted many pictures on the Parent's Site. They also noted that the caregivers enjoyed joining in on the picture taking. They liked posing with the children and then looking at their pictures.

Friday, August 7, 2009

First Shift Arrival

The first two volunteers arrived in Vietnam this week. They were able make a short visit to the orphanage. There they met the staff and children. The children were smaller than they expected but appeared to be in overall good health. They were curious and particularly liked touching the photo album that included their pictures.

Please keep these volunteers in your prayers as they make their next visits to the orphanage and interact more with the staff and children!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sweet Ava Thuy

Little Ava Thuy turned 2 years old in April. She has a mommy, daddy, and big brother waiting for her at home in the US. Her waiting family first saw Ava almost one year ago, and this little girl's sweet face has been etched in their minds and hearts ever since. It has been very difficult for them to see her grow up in pictures and know they've missed witnessing so many of her life's precious milestones. It breaks their hearts to hear her big brother ask when his baby sister will be coming home, when they are unsure when or if that time will ever come.

Ava appears to be in good health, but it remains to be seen how long this will last. Her waiting family knows the year between 2 and 3 years old is crucial for proper physical and mental development, and that is why it is so important that Ava and these children come home as soon as possible. While Ava's waiting family is confident her caregivers at the orphanage are loving and caring, a caregiver can never be a substitute for a loving, nurturing parent. Please help us unite these children with their waiting forever families.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nate the Great

On July 15, 2008 Nate's mommy and daddy were ecstatic and for the second time in their lives, they experienced love at first sight. They were sent photos and couldn’t take their eyes off of the sweet little boy with full cheeks and a black shock of hair sticking straight up off his head. As soon as they were matched with this little sweet pea, they dreamed of him playing with his cousins, taking him to the beach, and many other amazing and wonderful experiences. They even bought him clothes and toys, which he's now outgrown. Even though Nate has chubby little cheeks, he's now 20 months old, and his parents are worried about his physical and mental development. Last fall, he (and many other babies in the orphanage) was in the hospital twice with pneumonia. They are desperate to bring their little boy home and give him a life full of love and happiness.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Handsome Nieman

Little Nieman turned two years old just a few months ago. It was yet another birthday he could not share with his waiting family. They don't want to miss any more. Over a year ago this family on the other side of the world saw his picture for the first time. They knew instantly he was their son. All their friends and family are anxiously waiting the day they can meet him and welcome him into the family.

Request for Prayer

On behalf of all the Bac Lieu Waiting Parents: We have put together a list of specific things that our families and friends can pray with us about. Please help us continue to blanket our situation—our children and our forever families—with prayer.

Specific Prayer Requests
· For the health, safety and care of all of our children
· For peace, strength and health for the waiting Bac Lieu parents
· For success and determination for our agency director and a new emissary/ambassador in Bac Lieu working within the government on our behalf
· For the Bac Lieu Police and other officials (in Bac Lieu and elsewhere), that their hearts and minds will be softened; that that they will consider the welfare of children above all else; and that they will meet with FTIA or FTIA's ambassador; and once issues are resolved, quickly sign off on the necessary paperwork.
· For USCIS (US Immigration), that they will be reasonable; that they too will put the welfare of our children first, and that they will grant I600 approval to the last of our families waiting for it.
· For little Nhan and his parents, who have finally been granted approval to travel and finalize his adoption; that they will make it back to the US safe and sound, and that the cardiac surgery he needs will be successful, and that his recovery will be speedy and sure.
· For those parents and volunteers who plan to travel to Bac Lieu and spend time each day with the caregivers and children; that their travel will be safe, that the moments they spend with our kids will be blessed and special; and that their time there will positively impact the health, growth and development of our precious babies.
· Particularly for those parents who are traveling to the orphanage, that the Lord will provide a special sense of peace and emotional comfort while they are there, and especially when they have to leave and return to the US without their child with them.

Bac Lieu Parents
There are 23 waiting Bac Lieu families and children. Listed here are the names of 10 families and their children who have offered their specific names and/or their children's names to the prayer request list (or got to the editor in time to add their name to the list!). However, we ultimately request prayer for our group as a whole, as this situation has been very difficult for all of us.
Chuck & Marsha; a daughter, Claire Hanna
John & Courtney; a son, Lincoln Trung
Terry & Angela; a son, Thomas
Jerry & Stephanie; a son, Loc
Chris & Marla; a son, Gabriel (Hieu)
Paul & Virginia; a son, Noah Jordan
Sharon; a daughter, Akira-Li
Diane & Marcel; a son, Jacob Son
Angie; a daughter, Jada Tho
Matthew & Beth; a daughter, Ava Thuy
Brenda & Camryn; a daughter/sister,Aubrey
plus 12 other families waiting to meet their babies!

Precious Claire

This beauty is Claire Hanna, a 20 month old, feisty toddler. Like many of her peers, Claire is very little; one of the smallest toddlers in the orphanage, though she is not the youngest. Her parents, Chuck and Marsha, long to bring her home and give her lots of love, attention and care. Since June 3, 2008, the day her mommy and daddy saw her face in pictures, Claire has been an official member of her forever family; though for now, she is only held securely in their hearts instead of their arms. Along with the other Bac Lieu families, Chuck and Marsha know that with each passing day they miss out on hundreds of precious opportunities to help Claire grow and develop, as well as miss out on seeing her reach many milestones. Her parents hope and pray that she will be home very soon