Friday, August 14, 2009

Fruit and Fun

The volunteers have been enjoying all the play time with the children. They continue to introduce new toys to the groups each day. They have brought books, blocks, and balls. They note that the children are happy to play with anything they bring. They even enjoy the baggies and cups that the treats come in. The children are really warming up to the visitors and enjoy sitting in their laps and giving hugs.

The children have also been introduced to lots of new foods. In the last few days they have gotten to try a variety of fruits including dried blueberries, bananas, apples, and rambutan. The volunteers are enjoying their time bonding with the caregivers as well as the children. The caregivers have taken an interest in teaching them some Vietnamese.
(Rambutan - Chôm Chôm
The Rambutan is also known unofficially as Hairy Cherry. Today, the rambutan is grown in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. The fruit is about 5 cm long and has soft fleshy hair from 2 to 3 cm long over the entire surface. The peel turns from green to yellow to red as the fruit ripens. Once peeled the fruit yields a flesh that is white and firm. The rambutans grow in large bunches on trees that are 20 m high.)

The weather has been very hot. The volunteers have had some issues taking pictures, because the heat fogs up the camera lens. In spite of that, they have been able to get many pictures for the waiting families. More and more they are capturing the smiles and personalities of these children. This is priceless information for the parents. Please continue to keep these volunteers in your prayers. Also, please pray for our fund raising efforts so that additional volunteers will be able to travel soon. It is evident that their efforts are a great benefit for the children and waiting families.

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